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10 March 2012

Bipolar & Work

   I've seen loads of negative posts on forums from people claiming that if you have bipolar you can't hold down a regular job. This maybe true for some people, but not everyone. I'm lucky that I only have Type 2 bipolar, the less severe type, & I do understand that those with Type 1 would find holding down a regular job much harder. I've had 9 jobs since since 1999, so you could say that I too struggle to hold down a job. However, I do believe that if you find a job with a company that can make reasonable adjustments & a team that are willing to understand what bipolar is, holding down a job is possible.

   I've been with my current organisation for just over two years. I can't really fault them, as I've had 2 bouts of bipolar, with time off work as a result on each occasion. I've found honesty to be the best policy & although I find it hard sometimes to tell people I suffer from bipolar it is worthwhile. My organisation was able to find a specialist counsellor with bipolar experience & within two weeks I had my first appointment. If I had gone through my GP for the counselling, I would have been put on a lengthy waiting list & not guaranteed a counsellor with bipolar experience.

   I was dubious at first & thought 'how do I actually know if this guy has any experience', but after giving it a chance I could see the difference & that the sessions were helping me. It was this counsellor who introduced me to writing an Alternative Journal. If you want more detailed info about it email me on

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